Additional Exercises
Upon request, additional exercises with accompanying solution manuals are available. These can be used to provide students additional exercises to those already in the book, or as a source for exam problems. Alternatively, the solutions to these exercises could be given to students to provide an extensive list of supplementary examples. For example, an instructor could assign a set of exercises from one version of these files and hand out the solutions to another version in case the students are having difficulty. It is also possible to provide a complete solutions manual based on one version for these exercises without giving away all the answers to another version. The option exists to have a fresh set of exercises for the book each time it is used. Those who have scientific notebook 5.5 or scientific workplace 5.5, are welcome to the three files used to generated these random exercises and solutions, along with needed wmf files. These can be modified as desired.

Video Examples (Free)
Links to video example by the author cover each topic in the textbooks.

Faculty Solution Manual (Free)
Faculty can request a free faculty solution manual by contacting

WebWork Homework and Testing
Coming soon.