Worldwide Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
Robert McOwen – Northeastern University

ISBN-10: 0-9842071-2-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-9842071-2-1
265 Pages
©2012 Worldwide Center of Mathematics, LLC

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This textbook is designed for a one-semester undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations and linear algebra. Here are some of its features:

i) First and second-order differential equations are covered in Chapters 1 & 2, the Laplace transform in Chapter 3, linear algebra (matrices, vector spaces, and eigenvalues) in Chapters 4-6, and systems of differential equations in Chapter 7. Other texts on this subject tend to alternate more between differential equations and linear algebra.

ii) This text adopts a fairly concise writing style and careful selection of topics to keep the book shorter than many others on this subject. Moreover, the material is arranged in such a way as to conveniently allow the instructor to select which topics to cover and which to leave out.

iii) Exercises at the end of each section develop basic skills, and exercises at the end of each chapter provide more challenging problems. Answers to all basic skill problems are provided in the appendix, as are the answers to the odd-numbered challenging problems.