Allen Altman
Dr. Allen Altman has taught at the University of California at San Diego; the
Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela, where he helped to establish the mathematics program; MIT; the University of Oslo (Norway); the University of Pernambuco (Brazil); and the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He has been awarded Fulbright, National Science Foundation, and Woodrow Wilson fellowships. Dr. Altman's publications include regular contributions to Mathematical Reviews and articles in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Communications in Algebra, Advances in Mathematics, Compositio Mathematica, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, and American Journal of Mathematics.
Steve Kleiman
Steve Kleiman received the S.B. from MIT in 1961, and the M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard in 1962 and 65. Oscar Zariski was his doctoral advisor. He went to Columbia University as a Ritt instructor, joining their faculty from 1966-69. He subsequently joined the MIT mathematics faculty, professor in 1976. Professor Kleiman concentrates on problems in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. A recipient of the Sloan and Guggenheim fellowships, he received the Honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of Copenhagen in 1989, and was elected Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, and of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in 2002.