Faculty Solution Manual (Free)
Faculty can request a free faculty solution manual by contacting info@centerofmath.org.

Worldwide Integral Calculus Study Guide (free with textbook | $4.95) go >
The study guide for Worldwide Integral Calculus contains a full-length video lecture for each section of the textbook, ideas and definitions, formulas and theorems, remarks and warnings, and example problems for each topic. It also contains Margin side-remarks and historical references.

Full-length lecture videos (Free) go >
Full lecture videos on the core material from each section are available on the video portion of our website and YouTube.  There are also direct links within the textbook to each corresponding video.

WebAssign Online Homework and Grading go>
WebAssign is the leading provider of powerful online instructional tools for faculty and students. Students enter their answers online, and WebAssign automatically grades the assignment and gives students instant feedback on their performance. Much more than just a homework grading system, WebAssign delivers secure online testing, customizable pre-coded questions from a wide range of math and science textbooks, and unparalleled customer service.

Integral Calculus Study Guide iOS app ($0.99) go >
The Integral Calculus Reference Guide includes a number of features all of which are designed to help students learn outside of the classroom. Features include full-length video lectures, full glossary for every theorem or definition covered in Calc II, and hyperlinked navigation.